Del Monte Beach Real Estate

Del Monte Beach

Del Monte Beach Arial Shot

Del Monte Beach is  a small cul-de-sac area ending at the  Beach, North of the Monterey Wharf area. This is a very popular area with an old fashioned “beachy” feel to it. All the houses are within a few blocks of the beach. It is a wide sandy beach. You can walk along it to the  Fisherman’s Wharf area which is just south of here.

This little beach community is a coveted area in which to live. Any where in this Del Monte Beach Neighborhood is no more than a few blocks from the beach. There is a board walk for a short distance along the sand. And the sunsets from here are incredible! There is also a large condo complex on the sand – Ocean Harbor House Condos. This is one of the few gated communities in Monterey. Gated for cars, but you can walk in to the complex.

To get there: Go down Del Monte Ave. (North of downtown Monterey) and turn towards the beach on Casa Verde Ave. This is a one way street. Go up the hill on Surf Ave. Parking is often at a premium here. Surf Ave loops around becomes Tide Ave. There is a wooden board walk or you can walk on the sand.

Market update – Homes Sold for 2016



The Ocean Harbor House Condos are also located here.

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